Search our church directory and Join-a-Church in the New Bethlehem area and Redbank Valley community, including ALL denominations (Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Church of God, Independent etc.) We offer premium listings here: Register/Login to add, edit or update your listing here:
418 Brian Lane, New Bethlehem, PA 16242, United States
The New Bethlehem First Church of God is located in New Bethlehem PA, within the Redbank Valley c...
249 Broad St, New Bethlehem, PA 16242
The New Bethlehem First Baptist Church is located on the corner of Broad & Lafayette Street i...
4024 Main Street Hawthorn PA 16203
The Hawthorn Calvary United Methodist Church is part of the Redbank Valley United Methodist Minis...
The Springside Baptist Church is located at 3504 Pennsylvania 28 New Bethlehem, PA 16242
1034 State Route 1025, New Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
The Putneyville United Methodist Church is located at 1034 State Route 1025 New Bethlehem PA, 162...
The New Salem Pierce Church is an independent church (previously known as the New Salem United Me...