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Board Approves 2019-2020 Budget; Tax Increases

NEW BETHLEHEM, Pa. by: John Gerow (RVO) – The Redbank Valley School Board approved an $18.76 million dollar spending budget for the 2019 – 2020 school year at the regular monthly meeting on May 6. While higher than this year’s expenses, the plan projects only a $1.09 million deficit compared to this year’s estimated $1.65 million 50 shortfall. The spending plan requires a school tax increase of 3.4% across the district, with no increase in the per Capita taxes. The budget represents a serious effort at both revenue enhancement and cost control. The suggested deficit of $1,095,000 represents only 5.8% of the spending proposed for the year.

This month’s meeting, which was held in the cafeteria of the Hawthorn School, gave the Vex Robotics students an opportunity to display their skills for the school directors. More than a dozen of the robotic club students explained their program and gave the Board members demonstrations of the robots that they built and used in regional competitions this year. The school directors were impressed with the skill set involved and the understanding that the students displayed in their presentation. The Vex Robotics Program blends the challenge and “hands-on” learning with traditional teaching methods in the hope of reaching more children and preparing all students for the future in which robotics will be a large portion of the workforce.

In developing the budget for the 2019 – 2020 school year, the Board approved several spending and revenue issues for the 19 – 20 school year. Among items approved at the May meeting were; a maintenance supply bid of $18,968, a supply bid from ARIN Xerographic in the amount of $14,061, and up to $1,750 to support the National Honor Society’s beautification project. Besides raising the property taxes, the Board approved all available federal grants and programs as part of the 2019-2020 budget.

With one school year ending, the School Board accepted the resignation of Dr. Jack Garies as Musical Director. The Board also accepted the retirement of Karen Dawson, 5th-grade teacher and the resignation of custodian Greg Termine. Directors also accepted the resignation of child-specific aide Deanna Sebastian and cafeteria worker Debra Traister. The Board moved to replace two of these resignations. On unanimous votes, the Board approved hiring Melissa Carlson as a part-time cafeteria aide and James T. Jones as Head of Custodial and Maintenance Services. The Board also approved retaining Cindy Campbell as district treasurer for the school year 2019-2020 and Cheryl Motter as business manager for a two year period. The Directors also retained Dr. Stephen Jaworski and Dr. Brandon Doverspike as district dentist and physician. Motions also passed to approve Chad Ortz and Devin Shumaker as football coaches.

The meeting recessed into an Executive Session for personnel matters.

Redbank Valley School District provides education services for the 165 square mile area of New Bethlehem and Hawthorn boroughs, and the townships of Mahoning, Madison, Porter, and Redbank of both Clarion and Armstrong counties.

The Redbank Valley School Board meetings the first Monday of every month at 7pm at the High School Library.

For more information about the Redbank Valley School District, please call 814.275.2426 or visit

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