Redbank Valley honors ‘Hometown Heroes’ 2020
NEW BETHLEHEM, Pa. (RVO) – The Redbank Valley proudly honors its sons and daughters who answered the “Call to Arms” by displaying ‘Hometown Heroes’ banners of local military veterans through the heart of New Bethlehem PA along Broad Street (Route 28) and Wood Street (Route 66).
The Hometown Heroes project allows for family and friends of local military veterans to honor them with a colored banner placed on street poles along Broad Street (Route 28) in New Bethlehem, South Bethlehem and Fairmount City PA as well as along Wood Street (Route 66).
This year’s banners have been delayed due to COVID-19 and are scheduled to be hung May 27th, 2020.
The project is led by Ray Ishman, a retired U.S. Air Force master sergeant and service officer of the Walter W. Craig American Legion Post.
Other communities in the region also have hometown hero banner projects including Rimersburg and Sligo.
For pictures and a special video of the Hometown Hero banners, please ‘like/visit’ our Facebook page:
*Video courtesy of TechReady Professionals &
To register a family member or friend, please complete this application:
For more information such as pricing, deadlines and other questions, please visit:
After discovering the Veterans Banners would ‘not’ be hung on the street poles in time for Memorial Day due to COVID-19 (scheduled to be hung May 27th), Mayor Gordon Barrows along with New Bethlehem Borough Council and a local group of veterans donated and installed a large banner on the Shick Wall along Broad Street in New Bethlehem near the Clock-tower.
Mayor Barrows is encouraging the public to honor local veterans by writing positive words of encouragement and appreciation on the banner with sharpie markers (bring your own sharpie).
A special THANK YOU to the Glenn & Brenda Shick Family, Glenn Watson of Clarion Printing, NB Borough Council President Lisa Kerle, Councilman Scott Barrett, Ray & LeeAnn Ishman, and the local group of veterans who helped to make this project a reality.
Thank you to local veteran Raymond Guntrum for working alongside several civic veterans groups to obtain more American flags for the New Bethlehem area & Redbank Valley community due to the nationwide shortage during COVID-19.
New Bethlehem Boy Scouts Troop 403 will be placing Flags this weekend to honor our fallen.
*Photos courtesy of TechReady Professionals and
Thank you to the volunteers who beautified the community by planting flowers & placing American Flags in the New Bethlehem Planters throughout town.
Specifically, thank you to Amanda Coon, Debbie Huffman, Darla Hinderliter, Patty Kline, Pam Bish, Joan Shumaker, Debbie Zamperini, Regina Mastillo, Jennifer Murray, Timothy Murray, Borough Council President Lisa Kerle, Officer Gulich, Police Chief Robert Malnofsky, and Mayor Gordon V. Barrows.
*Photos courtesy of TechReady Professionals, & the Leader-Vindicator