425 Arch Street, New Bethlehem, PA, United States
401-431 Arch Street New Bethlehem Pennsylvania 16242 US

The New Bethlehem Barbershop Harmony Group meets every Tuesday at 7pm @ New Bethlehem Fire Hall

Mission: The New Bethlehem Barbershop Harmony Group brings men together in harmony and fellowship to enrich lives through singing

Barbershop harmony is a style of unaccompanied vocal music characterized by consonant four-part chords for every melody note in a predominantly homophonic​ (the same word sounds at the same time)​ texture. The melody is consistently sung by the lead​ (second tenor)​, with the tenor ​(first tenor) ​harmonizing above the melody, the bass singing the lowest harmonizing notes, and the baritone completing the chord. Occasional brief passages may be sung by fewer than four voice parts.

  • To perpetuate the old American institution, the Barbershop quartet, and to promote and encourage vocal harmony and good fellowship among its members.
  • To encourage and promote the education of its members and the public in music appreciation.
  • To promote public appreciation of Barbershop quartet and chorus singing by publication and dissemination thereof.
  • To initiate, promote and participate in charitable projects.
  • To establish and maintain music scholarships and charitable foundations.
  • To initiate and maintain a broad program of musical education, particularly in the field of vocal harmony and the allied arts.
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