UPCOMING EVENTS in the New Bethlehem area & Redbank Valley community. See attached flyers for more info.
* Oct. 12, 9a-3p: Hometown Christmas craft/vendor show, Hawthorn Nazarene
* Oct. 14, 6:30p: RV Historical Society, past local businesses event
* Oct. 14-19: Book & Bake Sale at the Library
* Oct. 30, 6:30p: RV Chamber Halloween Parade @ RV High School
🎃👻 TRICK-OR-TREAT 👻🎃 Thurs., Oct. 31: New Bethlehem 6-8pm. South Bethlehem 6-8pm. Hawthorn 5:30-7:30pm. Rimersburg 6:30-8pm. East Brady 5:30-7pm. Sligo 6-8pm. Redbank-Armstrong 6-8pm.
* Nov. 7, 6:30p: RV Historical Society, Shadows of History w/ Dr. Joe Harmon
* Nov. 7-9: A Christmas Present Craft Show, Rimersburg PA
* Nov. 11, 6:30p: RV Historical Society, past prominent citizens event
* Dec 7, 6:30p: RV Chamber Christmas Parade @ Night
* May thru Oct, 12:30p-5p: Gumtown Market: vegetables/fruits, bake goods, etc.
* 1st & 3rd Thursdays each month 7am - Men’s Prayer Breakfast @ Evermoores
* 2nd Thursday of each month 8am - Woman’s Prayer Breakfast @ Evermoores
* Clarion Small Business Development Center Workshops & Training
SUBMISSIONS: Please submit any news items or flyers to [email protected] or [email protected]. Weekly Email Blasts are published on Thursdays. Deadline for submissions is Monday by 5:00pm. *To become a member of the Redbank Valley Chamber of Commerce, visit: RedbankChamber.com/members
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