Lead pastor appointed to St. Mary’s Redbank Church

REDBANK, Pa. (RVO) – The nondenominational St. Mary’s Redbank Church in Templeton is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Gordon Barrows as their new lead pastor.

St. Mary's Redbank Church - Templeton PA

St. Mary’s Redbank Church – Templeton PA

Growing up as the son of a pastor, Barrows family moved from North Bloomfield, Ohio to New Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1992 following his father’s retirement from over forty years in ministry.

Pastor Gordon Barrows - New Bethlehem PA (Portrait WEB)

Pastor Gordon Barrows – New Bethlehem PA

A 2005 graduate of Redbank Valley High School, a 2011 graduate of PennWest University, and a 2021 graduate of Liberty University, Barrows is the son of the late Rev. Gordon Barrows Sr. and Monica Barrows of New Bethlehem.

Barrows, who serves as New Bethlehem Borough’s mayor, is also currently enrolled in Liberty University’s Rawlings School of Divinity doctoral seminary program, pursuing a Ph.D. equivalent education/ministry degree (Ed.D.) in theology/divinity.

Barrows, who owns and operates TechReady Professionals in New Bethlehem, also serves as a guest pastor and Sunday School teacher for the New Bethlehem First United Methodist Church.

In 2020, during the height of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Barrows witnessed many local churches and businesses closing their doors. β€œWhile serving in my role as mayor as well as operating my own business, my team worked tirelessly to keep local churches and businesses alive, and at this same time God spoke to my heart and called me into ministry.”

St. Mary's Redbank Church - Templeton PA (3)

St. Mary’s Redbank Church – Templeton PA

As Barrows prepared for ministry, he met New Bethlehem area native, Jim Shuster.

Shuster learned of St. Mary’s Church closing their doors and recruited Barrows, along with Mallie Shuster and John Wilson to establish the 501(c)3 non-profit; namely, the Redbank Church & Cemetery Association. The group began revitalizing the church and recruited retired pastors Rev. John Phillips, Rev. Rocky Hammond, and long-time church member Vicki Kunselman to further grow its ministry.

β€œOver the past several years, our group has been diligently working to further God’s kingdom by revitalizing the St. Mary’s Redbank Church,” Barrows said. He continued, β€œwe offer worship services on Saturdays, Christian Holidays, and via social media to provide our community of believers with unique opportunities to worship our Lord Jesus Christ.”

St. Mary's Redbank Church - Templeton PA (5)

St. Mary’s Redbank Church – Templeton PA

A formal installation/ordination ceremony for Barrows is being planned for the Spring of 2023, with details to be announced at a later date. A prayer vigil service and Thanksgiving service are being planned for November 2022 with details to be announced on the Church’s website and Facebook page.

Referencing Jeremiah 29:11, β€œScripture teaches us that God has plans for us, plans for us to prosper and not to find harm, plans to give hope and a future,” Barrows said. He continued, β€œFuture plans include upgrading the Church’s facilities, digitizing cemetery records, and expanding its online ministry to foster a community of believers who make disciples of Christ.”

Barrows encourages folks to visit the church’s new website and Facebook page for the latest worship service times and special events.

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